The video talks about different types of whiskey and the best whiskey for women. Some people like to relax with whiskey, and the video helps those who want to try to introduce their friends or loved ones to it. The speaker discusses some types that are affordable and vastly available for people to grab if they want to try them.
One brand of whiskey the speaker mentions is Woodford Reserve Double Oaked. He recommends that brand because it’s about $55 in cost, and it’s 90 proof. He describes it as having a chocolatey and maple brown sugar smell to it. It also has a bit of a vanilla smell, and he feels that it will be a favorite for a new drinker.
Old Forester 1910 is another whiskey brand the speaker mentions. This brand is also about $55 in price. It is 93 proof, which is a little bit stronger than the last item. It also has a heavier char. The speaker feels that new drinkers will love it because it’s sweet. The taste tester in the video thoroughly enjoyed the smell and the taste of it. Her impression of it was that it had a caramel smell and reminded her of candy.